English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)

The purpose of EL education programs is to provide eligible students the opportunity to acquire the English language skills necessary for successful participation in an English-Only instructional program. This purpose is accomplished through various structured English immersion models and primary language support. A Home Language Survey and an individualized language assessment determine eligibility (classification as limited English-Proficient [LEP]) for the program. Students are transitioned into an English-Only program Under state law, the ELAC has the responsibility for the following duties:
• Advise the principal, school staff, and school site council of the needs of English Learners, including support of their instructional needs.
• Advise the principal, school staff, and school site council on the development of the school plan and budget.
• Review the results of the completed R-30 Language Census Report. Advise the principal and staff on any program changes that result from this review.
• Advise and assist the principal in conducting the district/school’s needs assessment. Review findings and advise the school principal and staff of any program modifications.
• Advise the principal on ways to make parents aware of the importance of regular school attendance.
• Elect a representative to the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC). Send to and receive information from the DELAC about various district and school programs/requirements. The elections are conducted by the Parent Involvement Department.
• Assist in developing training materials and participate in training opportunities provided by the school and the district.The school site council, with input from the ELAC, will ultimately approve the final school’s plan and budget for submission to the Board of Education.when they meet district-established criteria for reclassification as Fluent-English proficient (RFEP). An English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) must be established and participates in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the local school EL program. EL programs receive funding from the State.

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